| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Here is an alternative translation:
III - Rite for the Transmission of the PrayerIV. Rite for the Ministration of the Consolamentum
E si deu esser cossolatz ades, fasa so milhoirer e prega le Libre de la ma de lancia. |
And if he is to recieve the consolamentum forthwith, let him perform his melioramentum and take the book from the hand of the elder. |
[4.1] cossolatz |
E lancia deu le amonestar e prezicar ab testimonis covinentz et ab aitals paraulas co·s coveno a cossolament. |
And let the elder exhort him and preach to him with suitable scriptural verses and in such words as are proper for the consolamentum. |
[4.2] cossolament |
E diga enaissi: En Peire, voletz recebre lo bab-/238c/ tisme esperital per lo qual es datz Sant Esperit en la Gleisa de Deu, ab la santa Oracio, ab lempausament de las mas dels bos homes? |
Let him speak thus: Peter, you wish to receive the spiritual baptism whereby the Holy Spirit is given in the Church of God with the Holy Prayer by the laying on of hands of the Good Men. |
[4.3] |
Del qual babtisme dix lo nostre Senhor Jesu Crist en lAvangeli de sanh Mateu a sos decipols: Anatz et essenhatz totas las gentz, e batejatz les el nom del Paire e del Filh e del Sant Esperit, et essenhatz lor a gardar totas las causas que eu comandei a vos. |
Of this Baptism Our Lord Jesus Christ said in the Holy Gospel according to Saint Matthew; "Go ye and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit ; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; |
[4.4] Mt 28.19-20 |
E vec vos que eu so com vos per totz dias entro a lacabament del segle. |
and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world" |
[4.5] |
Et en lAvangeli de sanh Marc dix: Anatz en tot lo mon, prezicatz lavangeli a tota creatura. |
And in the Gospel of Saint Mark he said, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. |
[4.6] Mr 16.15-16 |
E qui creira e sera batejatz sera sals, mas qui no creira sera cumdampnatz. |
He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned". |
[4.7] |
Et en lAvangeli de sanh Joan, dix a Nicodemus: Verament, verament, dic a tu que ja negus no intrara el regne de Deu si no sera renatz daiga e de Sant Esperit. |
And in the Gospel of Saint John He said to Nicodemus, "Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and the spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God" |
[4.8] Joh 3.5 How did they explain the reference to water? |
E Joan Babtista parlec daquest babtisme can dix: Acertas eu bategi en aiga, mais aicel que es a venir seguentre mi es plus fortz de mi, del qual eu no so dignes deliar lo /238d/ correg de la causamemta de lui. |
And John the Baptist spoke of this baptism when he said, "I indeed baptize you with water, but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to loosen ; |
[4.9] Joh 1.26-27, Mt 3.11, Lu 3.16 |
El vos batejara en Sant Esperit et en foc. |
he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire". |
[4.10] |
E Jesu Crist dix es Fait dels Apostols: Quar acertas Joan bategec en aiga, mais vos seretz batejat en Sant Esperit. |
And Jesus says in the Acts of the Apostles, "For John indeed baptised with water, but you shall be baptised with the Holy Spirit" |
[4.11] Ac 1.5 |
Aquest sanh babtisme de mas-emposetio fe Jesu Crist segon que retra sanh Luc; e dix que li sei amic le farian, enaissi co retra sanh Marc: Sobre·ls malautes pausaran las mas et auran be. |
This gift of the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands has been instituted by Jesus Christ as Saint Luke tells, and he said that his friends would confer it as Saint Mark says,"They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover" |
[4.12] Mk 16.18 |
E Ananias fe aquest babtisme a sanh Paul can fo covertitz. |
And Ananias conferred this Baptism on Saint Paul when he was converted. |
[4.13] |
Et enapres Paul e Barnabas fero lo e moutz lox. |
And afterwards Paul and Barnabas administered it in many places |
[4.14] |
E sanh Peire e sanh Joan fero lo sobre·ls Samaritas, quar aissi o dix sanh Luc el Fait dels Apostols: Cum aguesso auzit li apostols que eran en Yerusalem que Samaria receub la paraula de Deu, trameiro ad els Peire e Joan li qual, co fosso vengut, orero per els que receubesso Sant Esperit. |
And Saint Peter and Saint John administered it to the Samaritans, for Saint Luke says thus in the Acts of the Apostles, "Now when the Apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God they sent unto them Peter and John, who when they were come down, prayed for them that they might receive of the Holy Spirit " |
[4.15] Ac 8.14-17 |
Quar encara en alcu de lor no era vengutz. |
for as yet He was fallen upon none of them. |
[4.16] |
Adoncas pausavan las mas sobrels, e recebio Sant Esperit. |
Then they laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit. |
[4.17] |
Aquest sanh /239a/ babtisme, per lo qual Sant Esperit es datz, a tengut la Gleisa de Deu dels apostols en sa, et es vengutz de bos homes en bos homes entro aici, e o fara entro la fi del segle. |
This Holy Baptism by which the Holy Spirit is given the Church of God has kept from the Apostles until now, and it has come from the Good Men to the Good Men until now and shall do till the end of the world |
[4.18] |
E devetz entendre que pozestat es dada a la Gleisa de Deu de liar e de desliar, e de perdonar pecatz e de retenir, enaissi co Crist dix en lAvangeli de sanh Joan: Enaissi cum lo Paire me trames et eu trameti vos. |
And you must understand that power is given to the Church of God to bind and to loose, to forgive sins and to retain them, as Christ said in the Gospel of Saint John,"As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. |
[4.19] Joh 20.21-23 |
Cum agues dithas aquestas causas, espirec e dix ad els: Recebetz Sant Esperit. |
And when he had said this he breathed on them and saith unto them "Receive Ye the Holy Ghost" ; |
[4.20] |
Dels quals perdo[na]retz los pecatz, so perdonatz ad els; e dels quals los retenretz, so re[te]ngut. |
whatsoever sins ye remit they are remitted unto them, and whatsoever sins ye regain, they are regained" |
[4.21] |
Et en lAvangeli de sanh Mateu, dix a Simon Peire: Eu dic a tu que tu est Peire, e sobre aquest[a] peira eu endeficarei la mia gleisa, e las portas difern no auran forsa encontra lei. |
And in the Gospel of Saint Matthew he said to Simon Peter, "I say unto thee that thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. |
[4.22] Mt 16.18-19 |
E a tu donarei las claus del regne dels cels, e qual que causa tu liara[s] sobre terra sera liada els cels; e qual que causa tu desliaras sobre terra sera desliada els cels. |
And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." |
[4.23] |
Et en autre loc /239b/ dix a sos decipols: Verament dic a vos que qual que causa liaretz sobre terra sera liada els cels; e qual que causa solveretz sobre terra sera souta els cels. |
[4.24] |
E de rescaps verament dic a vos: Si doi de vos se cosentiran sobre terra de tota causa, qual que causa queran sera faita ad els del meu Paire qui es el cel. |
and again "If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. |
[4.25] |
Quar aqui on so doi o trei ajustat el meu nom, eu so aqui e meg de lor. |
For wheresoever two or three are gathered in my name there am I in the midst of them" |
[4.26] Mt 18.18-20 |
Et en autre loc dix: Los malautes sanatz, los mortz resuscitatz, los lebrosses mondatz, los demonis gitatz. |
And in another place he said, "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils" |
[4.27] Mt 10.8 |
Et en lAvangeli de sanh Joan dix: Qui cre e mi, las obras que eu fas, fara. |
And in the Gospel of Saint John he said, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do he shall do also" |
[4.28] Joh 14.12 |
Et en lAvangeli de sanh Marc dix: Mais aquels que creiran, aquestas signas los segran: El meu nom gitaran demonis; et ab lengas novas parlaran; e serpentz ostaran; e si beuran alcuna causa mortal, no nozera ad els; sobre·ls malautes pausaran las mas, et auran be. |
and in the Gospel of Saint Mark he said, "These signs shall follow them that believe ; in my name shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover" |
[4.29] Mr 16.17-18 |
Et en lAvangeli de sanh Luc dix: Vec vos que eu dei a vos poder caucigar sobre·ls serpetz, et /239c/ els escorpios, e sobre tot le poder de lenemic; e re a vos no nozera. |
And in the Gospel of Saint Luke he said "Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you." |
[4.30] Lu 10.19 |
E si aquest poder ni aquesta pozestat voletz recebre, cove vos tenir totz los comandamentz de Crist e del Novel Testament a vostre poder. |
And if you wish to receive this power you must keep all the commandments of Christ and the New Testament according to your ability. |
[4.31] |
E sapiatz que el a comandat que hom no avoutre, ni ausisa, ni memta, ni jure negu sagrament, ni pane, ni raube, ni faza az autre so que no vol que sia fait a ssi, e que hom perdone qui li fa mal, e que hom ame sei enemic, e que hom ore e benezisca als encausadors et als acusadors de si. |
And know that He has commanded that man shall not commit adultery or murder or lie, that he must not swear any oath, that he shall not seize or rob, nor do to others what he would not have done to himself, that man must forgive whoever wrongs him and love his enemies, pray for his detractors and accusers and bless them; |
[4.32] |
E qui·l ferra e la una gauta, que li pare lautra, e qui li tolra la gonela, que li laisse lo mantel; e que hom no juge ni cumdampne; e moutz dautres comandamentz que so comandat del Senhor a la sua Gleisa. |
and if anyone strike him on one cheek, turn to him the other also, and if anyone takes away his cloak, to leave him his coat also ; and that he should neither judge nor condemn, and many other commandments which the Lord made for His Church. |
[4.33] |
Et eissament, vos cove que aziretz aquest mon e las suas obras, e las causas que de lui so. |
Also you must hate this world and its works and the things of the world, |
[4.34] |
Quar sanh Joan dix en la Pistola: O mout cari, no volhatz amar lo mon ni aicelas causas que so el mon. |
for Saint John says in his epistle , "O my beloved, love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. |
[4.35] 1 Joh 2.15-17 |
Si alcus ama lo mon, la caritat del Paire no es en lui. |
If any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him. |
[4.36] |
Quar tot aco que /239d/ es el mon es cobezesa de carn, e cobezesa duls, et ergulh de vida, la qual no es del Paire, mais del mon es. |
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world. |
[4.37] |
E·l mons traspassara, e la cobezesa de lui, mais qui fa la volontat de Deu esta en durabletat. |
And the world passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever" |
[4.38] |
E Crist dix a las gentz: Lo mon no pot azira vos, mais mi azira quar eu porti testimoni de lui que las obras de lui so malas. |
And Christ said unto the Gentiles, "The world cannot hate you, but me it hates because I bear witness of it that its works are evil" |
[4.39] Joh 7.7 |
Et el libre de Salamo es escriut: Eu vi totas aquelas causas que so faitas jos le solelh; e vec vos que totas so vanetatz e turmentz desperit. |
And in the Book of Solomon, it is written, "I have seen all the works that are done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and vexation of Spirit" |
[4.40] Ec 1.14 Old Testament! |
E Judas Ja[cme] dix, essenhatz nos en la Pistola: Aziratz aicela gonela solada la quals es carnals. |
And Jude the brother of James said for our instruction in his Epistle, "Hate the solid garment of flesh" [σῴζετε ἐκ πυρὸς ἁρπάζοντες, οὓς δὲ ἐλεᾶτε ἐν φόβῳ, μισοῦντες καὶ τὸν ἀπὸ τῆς σαρκὸς ἐσπιλωμένον χιτῶνα (SBL Greek New Testament 2010)] |
[4.41] Jude 1:23 |
E per aquestz testimonis e per moutz dautres vos cove a tenir li comandament de Deu et azira aquest mon. |
And by these witnesses and any others you must keep the commandments of God and hate the world. |
[4.42] |
E si be o faitz entro a la fi, avem esperansa que la vostra arma aja vida durabla. |
And if you continue well to the end, we have the hope that your soul shall have life eternal. |
[4.43] |
Et el diga: Enaissi ei volontat. |
And the Credent shall say, "I have this will, |
[4.44] |
Pregatz Deu per mi que men do la sua forsa. . |
pray to God for me that He will give me His power" |
[4.45] |
E puis la i dels bos homes fasa so miloirer ab le crezentz /240a/ a lancia, e diga: Parcite nobis. |
Melioramentum Parcite Nobis. |
[4.46] |
Bo crestia, nos vos pregam per amor de Deu que donetz daquel Be que Deus vos a dat ad aquest nostre amic. |
Good Christians we pray you by the love of God that you grant this blessing, which God had given you, to our friend here present." |
[4.47] |
E puis le crezent fasa so miloirer, e diga: Parcite nobis. |
Credent, after making his melioramentum: "Parcite Nobis. |
[4.48] |
De totz les pecatz queu anc fi, ni parlei, ni cossirei, ni obrei, venc a perdo a Deu, et a la Gleisa, et a totz vos. |
For all the sins I have ever done in thought, word and deed. I ask pardon of God, of the Church, and of you all." |
[4.49] |
E li crestia digan: De Deu, e de nos, e de la Gleisa vos sian perdonat; e nos preguem Deu que les vos perdo |
Assembly of Cathars and Witnesses:"By God and by us and by the Church, may your sins be forgiven and we pray God to forgive you them" |
[4.50] |
E puis devo lo cossolar. |
Then followed the act of consoling. |
[4.51] |
E lancia prenga lo Libre e meta le·i sus lo cap, e li autri boni homi, cascu la ma destra. |
Let the Elder take the Book and placed it on the postulant's head. Other Good Men present placed their right hands on the postulant's head |
[4.52] |
E digan las parcias e iii adoremus, e puis: Pater sante, suciper servum tuum in tua iusticia et mite graciam tuam e Spiritum Santum tuum super eum. |
They then said the pardon [parcias] and the Adoremus, three times Adoremus, Patrem, et Filium et Spiritum Sanctam. and then pray: "Holy Father, welcome thy servant in thy justice and send upon him thy grace and thy Holy Spirit." |
[4.53] |
E pregon Deu ab la Oracio, et aquel que guisa lo menester deu ecelar a la vi, e can la vi sera dita, deu dire iii adoremus e la Oracio una vetz en auzida, e puis lAvangeli. |
And let them pray to God with the [Lord's] Prayer once in full voice, and then the [John] Gospel, and let him that conducts the service say the Six [sezena] in a low voice. When the Six is finished, let him say the adoremus three times, the Prayer once in full voice, and then the Gospel [John 1:1-17]. |
[4.54] This was the most solemn part of the rite, for the postulant was now a Parfait. sezena = six repetitions of the Lord's Prayer The rite does not say that the new Parfait was girt with a sacred thread round the torso or clad in a black robe. |
E can lAvangeli es ditz, devo dire iii adoremus, e la gracia, /240b/ e las parcias. |
And when the Gospel has been read, let them say the adoremous three times, the Grace and the Pardon. |
[4.55] |
E puis devo far patz entre lor et ab lo Libre. |
And then they should perform the Act of Peace with each other and the Book. |
[4.56] |
E si crezentz i a, fasan patz atressi. |
And if there are Believers present, let them perform the act of Peace as well. |
[4.57] Believers = ie unbaptised Cathars |
E crezentas si ni a, fasan patz ab lo Libre et entre lor. |
And If there are women Believers present let them perform the Act of Peace with the Book and with each other. |
[4.58] |
E puis pregon Deu ab dobla et ab venias. |
And then let them [all] pray to God with a Double, with obeisances. |
[4.59] dobla = 16 repetitions of the Lord's prayer, to conclude an important ceremony |
Et auran liurat. |
And thus they will have administered [the Consolamentum] |
[4.60] |
Mesagaria de tenir dobla ni de dire la Oracio no deu esser portada per home seglal. |
[5.1] |
Si crestiani van en loc de regart, p[re]gon Deu ab gracia. |
[5.2] |
E si degus cavalga, tenga dobla. |
[5.3] |
E deu dire la Oracio az intrant de nau o de villa, o a passant de planca o de pont regardos. |
[5.4] |
E si atroba[n] home ab cui les covenga parlar mentre pregan Deu, e si an viii Oracio[s], pod nesser pres per sembla. |
[5.5] |
E si nan xvi Oracios, pod nesser pres per dobla. |
[5.6] |
E si troban aver en cami, no lo toco si no sabian que·l poguesso redre. |
[5.7] |
E si ades vezo que homes ne fosso passat denant a qui poguess esser redut, prezesso le e redesso le si podian. |
[5.8] |
E si no podian, t[or]nesso le en aquel loc. |
[5.9] |
E si trobavan bestia o auzel presa o pres no [...] /240c/ sen metan en als. |
[5.10] |
E si crestias vol beure dementre es dias, aja pregat Deu doas vegadas, o mas apres manjar. |
[5.11] |
E si apres la dobla de la nuit bevian, fasan autra dobla. |
[5.12] |
E si a crezentz, estian de pes quan diran la Oracio per beure. |
[5.13] |
E si crestias prega Deu ab crestianas, guize la Oracio tota ora. |
[5.14] |
E si cresentz a qui fos lilrada la Oracio era ab crestianas, an sen az autra part e fassa per si meteiss. |
[5.15] |
Si crestias als quals le menester de la Gleisa es comandatz an message de crezentz malaute, anar i devo, e devo li demandar en cosselh co ses menatz vais la Gleisa depuis que receup la fe, ni si es de re endeutatz vas la Gleisa ni encolpatz. |
[6.1] |
E si deu lunha re e o pod pagar, far o deu. |
[6.2] |
E si far no o vol, no deu esser receubutz. |
[6.3] |
Quar qui prega Deu per home torturer ni per deslial, no pod profeitar aquela pregeira. |
[6.4] |
Empero /240d/ si pagar no o pod, no deu esser sofanatz. |
[6.5] |
E li crestiani devo li mostrar lastenenza e las costumas de la Gleisa. |
[6.6] |
E puis devo li demandar si era receubutz si a cor que o tenges. |
[6.7] |
E no o deu autrejar si be no so sentia fermament. |
[6.8] |
Quar sanh Joan dix que la partida dels messorguers sera en estanh de foc e de solfer. |
[6.9] Ap 21.8 |
E si ditz que be·s sent ferms que tot o pusca sofrir, e si li crestiani so acordantz que·l recepian, lastenesa li devo cargar en aital guisa que·l demando si a cor que·s garde de mentir, e de jurar, e dels autres devetz de Deu, e de tenir las costumas de la Gleisa e·ls mandamentz de Deu, e de tenir so cor e so aver aital co ara la ni per azenant laura en azaut de Deu et de la Gleisa e a servizi de crestias e de crestianas tot temps mais a so poder. |
[6.10] |
E si ditz que o, eli devo respondrer: Aquesta abestenesia vos cargam que la recepiatz de Deu, e de nos, e de la Gleisa, e que la gardetz /241a/ aitant cant viuretz, que si be la gardatz ab las autras que avetz a far, avem esperraza que la vostra arma naja vida [durabla]. |
[6.11] |
E el deu dire: Eu la recebi de Deu, e de vos, e de la Gleisa. |
[6.12] |
E puis devo li demandar si vol recebre la Oracio, e si ditz que o, vescan le de camisa e de bragas si far se pod. |
[6.13] |
E fassan le estar e sezentz si pod lavar las mas. |
[6.14] |
E metan touala o autre drap denant lui sus le leit. |
[6.15] |
E sus aquel drap metan le Libre, e digan una vetz Benadisite, e iii vetz Adoremus Patrem et Filium e Spiritum Santum. |
[6.16] |
E deu pendre le Libre de la ma de lansia. |
[6.17] |
E puis si esperar o pod, aquel que guiza·l menester le deu amonestar e prezicar ab testimonis covinentz. |
[6.18] |
E puis deu li demandar de la covenesa si la en cor a gardar ni a tenir aissi co a covengut. |
[6.19] |
E si ditz que o, fasan la li refermar. |
[6.20] |
E puis devo li passar la Oracio, et el que la sega. |
[6.21] |
E puis, que lancia li diga: Aisso es la /241b/ Oracio que Jesu Crist aportec en aquest mon; e la ensenec als bos homes. |
[6.22] |
E que jamais no manjetz ni no bevatz luna causa que aquesta Oracio no digatz primerament. |
[6.23] |
E si o faziatz a menespec, auria vos obs quen portesetz penedensa. |
[6.24] |
El deu dire: Eu la recebi de Deu, e de vos, e de la Gleisa. |
[6.25] |
E puis pregan comiatz aissi coma femna. |
[6.26] |
E puis devo pregar Deu ab dobla et ab venias. |
[6.27] |
E puis devo tornar le Libre denant lui. |
[6.28] |
E puis deu dire iii vetz Adoremus Patrem es Filium e Spiritum Santum. |
[6.29] |
E puis prenga le Libre de la ma de lAnsia, e lancias deu le amonestar ab testimonis et ab aitals paraulas co·s coveno a cosolament. |
[6.30] |
E puis deu li demandar si a en cor a tenir e a gardar la covenessa aissi co o covenc. [6.32] E que la li fassa refermar. |
[6.31] |
puis lancias deu pendre le Libre, e·l malaute deu se clinar e dire: Parcite nobis. |
[E 6.33] |
De totz les pecatz [que anc fi] ni parlei ni cosirei, venc /241c/ a perdo a Deu, e a la Gleisa, et a totz vos. |
[6.34] |
E li crestiani devo dire: De Deu, e de nos, e de la Gleisa vos sian perdonatz; e nos preguem Deu que les vos perdo. |
[6.35] |
E puis devo le cosolar enaissi que las mas e·l Libre li devo pausar sus le cap e dire: Benedicite, parcite nobis, amen. |
[6.36] |
Fiat nobis secodum verbum tuum. [6.38] Pater et Filius e Spiritus Santus parcat vobis omnia peccata vestra. |
[6.37] |
Adoremus Paterem es Filium e Spiritum Santum: iii vetz. |
[6.39] |
E puis: Pater santer, suciper servum tuum in tua iusticia, es mite graciam tuam e Spiritum Santum tuum super eum. |
[6.40] |
E si es femna devo dire: Pater sante, suciper ancillam tuam in tua iusticia, e mitte grasiam tuam e Spiritum Santum tuum super eam. |
[6.41] |
E puis, que pregon Deu ab la Oracio; e devo ecelar a la vi. |
[6.42] |
E quan la sezena sera dita, devo dire iii vetz Adoremus Paterem es Filium e Spiritum Santum, e la Oracio una vetz en auzida, e puis lAvangeli. |
[6.43] |
[6.44] E quan /241d/ es ditz, devo dire iii vetz Adoremus Patrem es Filium e Spiritum Santum, e la Oracio una vetz en auzida. |
E puis pregan comiatz coma home. |
[6.45] |
E puis devo far patz entre lor e ab le Libre. |
[6.46] |
E si crezentz ni crezentas i a, fassan patz. |
[6.47] |
E puis li crestiani devo demandar las salutz e redre. |
[6.48] |
E si·l malaute fenis ni lor laissa ni lor dona alcuna causa, no o devo tenir per lor ni amparar, mais que o devo pausar e la volumtat de lOrde. |
[6.49] |
Empero si·l malaute viu, li crestiani lo devo presentar a lOrde e pregar que·s recosole al pus tot que puscan. |
[6.50] |
E el fassa ne sa volumtat. |
[6.51] |
Critical Editions:
E. Cunitz, «Ein Katharisches Ritual», Beiträge zu den theologischen Wissenschaften, vol. IV, Jena 1852;
L. Clédat, Le Nouveau Testament, traduit au XIIIe siècle en langue provençale, suivi dun rituel cathare, Geneva 1968; reprint of the Paris 1887 edition, with an incomplete Latin text (section I), pp. VI-VII, and the Occitan text with facing translation, pp. [IX]-XXVI, and a photolithographic reproduction of the Ritual, pp. 470-482:
René Nelli and René Lavaud, Les Troubadours, vol. II, Le Trésor poétique de lOccitanie, Rituel cathare (section II), pp. 1028-1033, [Paris-Bruges] 1966;
Jean Duvernoy, http://jean.duvernoy.free.fr/text/pdf/cledat_rituel.pdf. Occitan text 1977; PDF file dated May 2001.
Translations: in English,
Walter L. Wakefield and Austin P. Evans, Heresies of the High Middle Ages, 2nd ed., New York-Oxford 1991, pp. 483-494, 780-782;
Translations: in French,
L. Clédat, q.v. above; René Nelli and René Lavaud, q.v. above, (section II), p. 1031, 1033;
René Nelli, Écritures cathares: Nouvelle édition actualisée et augmentée (referring to the 1959 Denoël edition, Paris), Le Rituel cathare (Le Rituel occitan), Paris 1968, pp. 207-225;
Christine Thouzellier. Rituel cathare; introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes, Paris 1977, Appendice 20 (a full translation of section I);
René Nelli, Écritures cathares: Nouvelle édition actualisée et augmentée par Anne Brenon, Monaco 1995, pp. 225-238 (Nellis translation reprinted); in Italian, Francesco Zambon, La cena segreta; trattati e rituali catari, Milano 1997, pp. 301-314, 434-437.
In the Inquisitorial deposition of Guillaume Tardieu de la Galiole (translated by Jean Duvernoy, Le Dossier de Montségur : interrogatoires d'lnquisition 1242-1247), the following ceremony is recounted:
... Then, on this Parfait's request, I devoted myself to God and the Gospel and promised to no longer eat meat, eggs, cheese and fat apart from oil and fish. I also promised not to swear in all my life, and to forsake the sect out of fear of fire, water and other kinds of death. After this oath, I recited the Pater Noster in the Parfaits' manner, then the Perfait held the book above my head and read the Gospel of Saint John. After this, they gave me peace first with the book and then with the mouth, kissing me twice across the mouth and prayed God, amidst much kneeling and "venias."
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